Saturday, March 28, 2020

Earn Money Online With a Free Tutoring Service

Earn Money Online With a Free Tutoring ServiceAre you looking for ways to earn money online, and that's a good way to get started with, what you may want to consider is how to earn money through a free tutoring service. What's great about this service is that it is completely free, which means that you do not have to spend any money to find out what they will teach you.There are plenty of online learning programs out there, some of which are very good, but others that are just plain not that good. However, tutoring through a tutoring service is something that is so great because it's free. That means that you don't have to pay a penny to get a tutor who can help you in your studies, and who can give you some free advice and tips.The thing with a free tutoring service is that you do not have to worry about someone teaching you, or giving you the assignments that you need to take and grade. What you do have to worry about is the more work that you need to complete each week, the more m oney you will make from a tutoring service.The tutoring service will take your work, and will grade it for you, and you'll know when you've passed it. They will not tell you but the grading that you do is purely based on the level of the work that you do, so your grades will be determined solely by your work.This service works out great for a couple of reasons. Firstly, you do not have to do any actual work. There is no grading, so it doesn't matter if you do great work or not, or if you struggle.Secondly, this service allows you to learn in the comfort of your own home, and it allows you to teach at your own pace. You can do whatever you want to while you are taking a break.As you can see, there are plenty of reasons why you should consider the tutoring services. All you have to do is to find the right service, and you will be amazed at how much money you will make!

Friday, March 6, 2020

What the Chinese Year of the Horse Means for Your 2014

What the Chinese Year of the Horse Means for Your 2014 By Lauren Happy Chinese New Year 2014!The whole of China is currently awash with vibrant decorations and lively celebrations to welcome in the country’s most important date, the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. This year, the new year falls on Friday, January 31. Whether you’re currently teaching abroad in China or not, public parades are held in cities around the world, so you can still get involved in festivities to see in the Year of the Horse.The Chinese calendar passes in cycles of 12 years, with each year representing a different animal. The cycle starts with the rat, followed by ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, then finally, the pig, and then the cycle starts over. According to legend, people born under each year will possess particular personality traits and be lucky - or unlucky - in certain areas of their life. With each New Year, the new zodiac sign brings with it new strengths and challenges that will affect ever yone’s lives.The animal representing the coming year, the horse, is associated with traveling and is considered a symbol of success. A horse can transport a person to their desired destination, which translates to wishes being fulfilled in the career, love life or friendships this year. Those who were born in a previous Year of the Horse - 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930, 1918 - are forecast to experience significant development in their leadership skills and an increase in their level of authority, both at work and at home.As a sociable creature and also a powerful fire sign in Chinese folklore, the horse is known best as the romantic sign. It is widely believed that many people will experience an enhanced love life in 2014, especially horse compatible signs, the tiger and the dog. The fact that the horse is a fire sign also connects it to the color red, which is considered lucky in China.Find out more about your Chinese sign and what this year might have in store for yo u here.May the Year of the Horse bring you luck and good fortune in 2014, wherever you are in the world!

How To Negotiate Your Salary

How To Negotiate Your Salary Photo by from Pexels Be Prepared One of the best ways to assure yourself victory in negotiating your salary is to be prepared. And look at you, reading this very article! You are already working hard to get yourself prepared for salary negotiation. The first step of preparing yourself is to get organized. Start at the beginning. Jot down thoughts and questions you may have about your company, your position, your salary, your achievements, anything. From there, you can create an outline of what exactly your raise should be, when you should get it, why you deserve it, and why you deserve it now. Organizing your thoughts will help you to have a clear head when you go into the negotiations and help you to streamline what you are going to say and what your arguments for getting the higher salary will be. Infographic by Danielle Wirsansky The next step is to do research and learn more about current salary rates are for your industry and, if you can get the information, for the specific company as well. Glassdoor is a really great resource to help you see what the salary rates are for your industry and, if your company is big enough, what it is at your specific company as well. See if you can get any information about what the salary for someone in your position might be nationally and compare it to your own and see what needs to change. You can also talk to recruitersâ€"a lot of people might ignore their calls, but if you are savvy, you can talk to them about what the industry standards are so you can have a better idea of what your raise may be. You might not necessarily be looking for a new job, but talking to them can help you negotiate your salary to a point that you do not need to switch jobs. And if you can’t, talking to the recruiters will show you that you do have other options. All of this research will lead you to a specific pointâ€"and to a specific number. This is because asking for a very specific salary will help you be more likely to actually get that salary. For example, asking for $44,750 a year for your salary is more likely to be accepted by a company in a negation then asking for a flat, unspecific number like $45,000. Researchers at  Columbia Business school  established that “first-offer recipients make greater counteroffer adjustments to round versus precise offers” as well as that “negotiators who make precise first offers are assumed to be more informed than negotiators who make round first offers and that this perception partially mediates the effect of first-offer precision on recipient adjustments.” This is because “…precise numerical expressions imply a greater level of knowledge than round expressions and are therefore assumed by recipients to be more informative of the true value of the good being negotiated.” More than that, going in with a concrete idea of what you want and what you are willing to accept can be very helpful in helping you to achieve results when negotiating your salary. Once you know what you want and what you want to say, practice, practice, practice! You know the old adage, “Practice makes perfect!” Nail down what you want to say, how you want to bring up the topic, all those things that will help you to walk away from that negotiation victorious. Practice in the mirror, rehearse scenarios with your friends, anything that you can do to help get you in the mindset of the negotiation. Finally, make sure that you are truly ready and deserving of this raise. Have you worked at your company for the requisite amount of time (generally at least a year)? Have you exceeded rather than simply only met expectations? Have you had any major achievements or milestones in your career during this period of time with the company? You want most of the answers to these questions to be yes in order to put yourself on the best footing for these salary negotiations. To be informed is to have power. If you know the salary you should be getting according to industry standards, and your company is not willing to give it to you, then you know there are other companies out there that will. Be Confident Another really great tactic to try in your salary negotiations, if you can swing it, is to be confident. Be confident in your approach, in what you are wearing, in what you are saying, and most importantly, in that you deserve a higher salary than you are currently being offered or paid. First of all, you need to know your value. And really know it, deep down. If you are not confident that you bring value to your position, team, and company, then that is going to shine through during the negotiations. And why would the company acknowledge your value if you do not recognize it yourself? There is a line from the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower that goes, “We accept the love we think that we deserve.” Now apply this quote to your salary negotiations. Consider the love to be your salary. The love and recognition you get from your company are demonstrated through your salary. So be confident! Stay strong! And accept only the salary that you think you deserve. Believe in your work and contributions to the company. If you were not being productive and aiding the company, you would not be there. Part of knowing your value is knowing exactly what you deserve too. It is not enough to know that you deserve moreâ€"you need to know exactly how much more you deserve. As discussed earlier in this article, you need to have a specific number on hand in order to negotiate. If you do not have a number, then the negotiations might get away from you, which simply will not due. Many employees make the mistake of offering a range during negotiations. This is not necessarily recommended. There usually is a range in which others in comparable positions in your industry are being paid, and you personally probably have a range in which you are hoping to be paid. But when you offer up a whole range, the company is almost always going to go for the lowest number. They want to pay you as little as possible so that they can still turn a profit. And since it is a number that you put out on the table, it would be a bit of a faux pas to turn around and tell them that their offer, on the low end of the range, is unacceptable. If this salary was not acceptable, then why did you put it on the table? Asking for a salary in the middle range is where many employees often jump too, but why not have the confidence and assume that you are worthy of the top of the salary range? After all, your employers are most likely going to negotiate down from whatever number you offer, so it can be a powerful move to give the high-end number and negotiate down to the middle of the range if you would be perfectly happy with such a number. The final step of being confident during salary negotiation is knowing whenâ€"and being willingâ€"to walk away when the company will not meet your minimum requests. What is the breaking point, the number so low it will cause you to walk away from the negotiation? If the company is not willing to pay you the salary that you know you deserve, not only from your experience, your actions, and the industry standards, then this may not be a company that deserves you. Keep your head up high. Know your worth. And walk away. Photo by from Pexels Supply a Mini-Resume Another tactic to try during the salary negotiation process is to create something like a mini-resume to hand to your opponent in the negotiation. That way, you can support your argument that you deserve a raise or a higher salary. It is basically a cheat sheet clearly laying out all of your achievements in the last yearâ€"all the awards you may have received, any accomplishments you have made, all the projects you have finished. It shows that you are productive and that not only do you do your work but that you help uphold and maintain the company’s good name. It is proof that you have been an asset to the company. You can even include testimony in this mini resume. It could be from clients, raving about the service you have provided them or their experience working with you. It could also be testimony from your co-workers, crediting you for an achievement within a group setting. Email testimonies will work too! Including these shows that you are a great teammate that works well with others and that clients are very satisfied working with you. Do not just hand them the sheet and expect them to peruse it while you talk about other things. Go over it with them point by point, clearly showcasing your achievements and allowing them to ask any questions they may have. Be sure to bring up occasions where you have gone above and beyond the call of duty in your jobâ€"and then bring up things you are hoping to do in the future and how you plan to go above and beyond there too. This shows the company that they are not going to give you a raise or meet your salary requirements only for you to become complacent. They are paying you to continue that enthusiasm as you move on to new projects. By lowballing you during a salary negotiation, they know there is a chance that you could walk away. And if they do that, their customers and clients will be less than pleased. They will be more likely to work with you on your salary when they are faced with the prospect of losing you if they cannot satisfy your requirements. In the end, whether you get the raise or exactly the salary you wanted, the negotiation process will be a learning experience that will help you. That way, next time, you will be in a stronger place to cinch that dream salary the next time or even increase it. Stay strong and good luck with your salary negotiations!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Three More Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Irvine Tutor

Three More Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Irvine Tutor Get the Most Out of Your Private Orange County Tutor: 3 More Tips Get the Most Out of Your Private Orange County Tutor: 3 More Tips We discussed here three pieces of advice to help you have successful lessons with your new tutor. In short, the tips were to send them your material ahead of time, have specific goals in mind that you want them to help you reach, and to show them your previous graded assignments to review. These are beneficial actions that can best allow your tutor to evaluate your situation beforehand and help you work toward your goals in the sessions book your private Irvine tutor today. Now well talk about advice for a tutoring session itself. Here are three things that you should and shouldnt be doing if you want to get the most out of your lesson. Do Assignments Early One often under-appreciated benefit of having tutoring appointments is that it makes you accountable to someone else to finish your work on time. This benefit can be amplified if you strive to do your work before your tutoring session. This way, you will already know what parts confuse you and what parts you want to focus on before your tutor arrives. This can save time and energy and also reduce the stress caused by procrastinating. Get your assignments done early and use your tutoring appointments as a deadline to make yourself finish work ahead of time â€" youll be grateful you did it later. Be Working and Ready Unless your tutor is bringing you the material you need to study, you should already be working before your tutor arrives. Have your paper/notes/laptop/practice test or whatever necessary materials out and ready. A lot of time is wasted in tutoring sessions by dawdling and getting prepared in the beginning. Get yourself in a studying mindset ahead of time and have your materials ready. This also shows that you are professional and eager to improve â€" good traits to practice displaying for the future. Dont Focus on Complaints One of the most common conversations a tutor has with a new student is the talk about how the student dislikes their class and/or teacher: the teacher is mean or isnt fair, the class is too hard or confusing, other teachers give an easier class, your assignment was graded harshly, the teacher doesnt know how to teach, etc. While many of these problems can be valid â€" there are many terrible teaches and unfair classes out there â€" they shouldnt be a focal point of your Irvine tutoring. If your goal is to improve your grade in a class, then you should be focused on what steps you need to do to accomplish that. You likely arent going to change your teacher; you can only change your approach to studying and working. Its okay to explain the situation and vent to your tutor every once in a while, but dont become one of the students who only want to complain and gossip instead of working to improve. Remember: its you and your Irvine tutor working together to help you reach your goals. If you set yourself up for success with your tutor, then you will be able to achieve it. Michael C. is currently a private math, science, and standardized test tutor with TutorNerds in Irvine and Anaheim. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

7 Ways to Optimize Your Food Delivery Order

7 Ways to Optimize Your Food Delivery Order via Pixabay Know What You Want to Eat The hardest part of ordering food delivery is figuring out what you want to eat. With websites like GrubHub and Yelp, there are hundreds of food options waiting for you. To reduce the time you spend on food delivery, decide what type of food you want to eat before sitting down and ordering it. Narrowing it down by type of food is extremely helpful because you can pick from a smaller number of restaurants. You can also look at other factors such as delivery time, delivery cost, and if they have the dish you would like to order. Keep Delivery Time in Mind Don’t wait until you are starving to order food delivery. Keep in mind that it will take some time to prepare your food and then deliver it to you. Depending on location and the time of day, it can take almost an hour to receive your food. If you are in a rush, look for restaurants that have quick delivery time. Some restaurants, such as Jimmy John’s Sandwiches can get you a sandwich within 15 minutes! Order Food Delivery Online Nowadays you can seamlessly order food delivery online and not have to talk to a single person! Ordering online reduces the chance of miscommunication. When talking on the phone ordering food delivery, there can be a lot of miscommunication. Imagine working in a busy pizza shop with customers walking through the door and chefs yelling in the back a while writing down your order, address, and contact information. It can be difficult to concentrate and get your food delivery order 100% correct. To avoid this miscommunication and ensure that you have a higher chance of receiving the correct food delivery order, place your order online. via Pixabay Look for Specials Combo Deals Some restaurants will have specials and combo deals over the weekend or for big parties who are ordering food delivery. It’s worth it to take a look at what they offer. Most of them will save you money if you are ordering food for a large group. This is great if you are studying for exams with a study group and need a late night pick-me-up. Everyone can pitch in and receive a ton of food! It’s all about saving money when it comes to optimizing your food delivery order. Use Coupons and Codes to Save Money Another way to save some money when ordering food delivery is to look for coupon codes. A simple search online can save you a few extra dollars. It’s also worth it to look in your mailbox at menus and flyers that local restaurants hand out for coupons. If you order from certain restaurants or websites a few times, they will give out loyalty coupons to their customers. Find a restaurant you love and keep ordering from it! Consider the Delivery Fee   Before you place your food delivery order in your cart, consider the delivery fee that is charged. Sometimes it can be an astounding amount that makes you cancel your order and restart the whole process. Before you decide what restaurant you want to order from, take a look at their delivery fee and minimum purchase. Reviewing this information can save you a lot of time and headache when it comes to checking out and ordering your food. Order Food Delivery in a Group One of the best ways to optimize your food delivery order is to order it in a group. This will save you money when it comes to paying the delivery fee and making the minimum delivery order. When you split the delivery fee with people, you’re paying a few cents to a dollar. You’ll also definitely make the minimum delivery. When you don’t order in a group, you may find yourself ordering food that you don’t actually want to make the minimum purchase to receive delivery. Optimizing Your Food Delivery Order There are a few ways to optimize your food delivery order. To cut down time, you should have an idea of what you want to order. Order online to reduce the risk of miscommunication. Some things to consider are delivery time, delivery fee, and the minimum purchase for delivery. Order in a group and use coupons to save some money too! So, what will you order next?

Kaplan Mcat Tutor Salary and Career Placement Program For US Graduates

Kaplan Mcat Tutor Salary and Career Placement Program For US GraduatesThe Kaplan Mcat tutor salary and career placement programs for US graduates are not what it used to be. It was once the norm to get hired for a job once you get out of high school. Now, it is considered smart to go back to school to earn a diploma, rather than earning money while you are young. But even with this, some employers still prefer to hire fresh graduates who got their diploma while still in high school.The Kaplan Mcat tutor salary and career placement programs for US graduate is still considered the standard for higher education and careers. When you enroll for a class in a program with Kaplan, they are also taking on a part of your tuition fee. Some companies also take on a part of their graduates' tuition fees, as well.If you have been applying for a job in the past while still in high school, your chances of getting hired have gone down significantly. Your salary has probably gone down even more, sinc e you have to begin with a smaller salary than your peers who went back to school in their early 20s.But you are lucky because you will have plenty of opportunities for jobs at colleges and universities. A lot of companies that hire people to teach, like many colleges, need graduates to teach younger students. In these jobs, you may work in a classroom as a tutor, or even in a college library. In fact, you may be a librarian!Whether you work in a classroom or a library, though, you can expect to make a decent salary. Most teachers who teach at a college or university are making around a hundred thousand dollars a year. And most librarians are also making well over a hundred thousand dollars.However, once you have completed your school programs, you will be put into one of the fast-paced jobs that companies are in high demand for, and that is bookkeeping, bookkeeping, bookkeeping. Of course, bookkeeping is one of the most glamorous and popular jobs for many teachers and professors. S o it does not surprise me that people often assume that they will be hired for the job that is advertised as bookkeeping, when in fact it is another job.As a librarian, you may work in a university library. You can work in a college library. A lot of universities and colleges also have a library to house all of their materials. This is not a very exciting job, but it is certainly one that pays well and is one that you could easily land in the future.

Students Need To Choose Organic Chemistry Tutors

Students Need To Choose Organic Chemistry TutorsOrganic chemistry tutor refers to the classes that are being conducted at universities and colleges. The curriculum of such classes is being varied and includes biochemistry, elementary sciences in general. Students who have an interest in becoming a chemist should take a class such as this one since it will train them on fundamental researches and the basic subjects in chemistry. The usual curriculum for such classes include chemistry, physics, biology, earth science, biology and other branches.A chemistry tutor should have a good knowledge of organic chemistry, organic electronics and can also suggest about a good career path after completing a graduate degree. The scope of courses available in the education institutions is quite wide and they tend to concentrate on research related topics. However, most of the colleges also offer math and science classes for students who prefer to pursue further studies after completing their course. There are numerous colleges in the UK that provide these programs and many have opened up branches in other countries where they can help more people to pursue their education at an affordable price.The organic chemistry tutor need not go for the usual and famous colleges as many colleges and universities of the UK have introduced courses for which he can avail of a science teacher who can teach about the subject. The courses offered by such institutes are quite different from the conventional courses. One of the main things is that the students are more relaxed and no pressure is given during these classes. Many of the institutes give adequate training to the teachers so that they can offer an efficient teaching job for the students.The syllabus of such chemistry tutor classes is being offered in a limited number of times. It is ideal for those who have time constraints and if there is a specific deadline for their college's admission. Students do not need to go for the regular an d usual college when they have to learn the subjects in a short span of time. Many of the online colleges are offering this option to students with limited time and money as well. Itis easy to enroll for these courses at these colleges.Many online chemistry tutors offer courses on organic chemistry because it is a special topic which is very important for students who wish to be successful in their life. It is very much important for a person to have the basic knowledge of chemistry since it will give us tools to understand our environment. Chemistry is used to conduct experiments and inorganic chemistry is known as the foundation for all the other courses.Since organic chemistry tutor courses are being offered at shorter intervals now, students should choose such colleges as their initial source of information about this course. However, it is advisable to get a formal opinion from the colleges that offer such courses because they can make the decision based on the feedback from th e students. As an organic chemistry tutor will be working closely with the students, the students need to be convinced on the idea of taking courses from colleges or universities.The last thing to be considered when enrolling for a chemistry tutor course is to decide the mode of payment. Many colleges and universities offer discounts if students enroll online or get enrolled at special times. The best option for all the students is to sign up for the course at the earliest time possible and enroll for online college. This will help students pay the fees and other such things before they will be required for the duration of the course.

Muay Thai Clubs in Glasgow

Muay Thai Clubs in Glasgow Are There Any Muay Thai Clubs in Glasgow? ChaptersWhy Practise Muay Thai?The Best Clubs for Muay ThaiWhat Muay Thai Gear Do You Need?If one thinks about our Dear Green Place, the first idea that must come to mind is that it is nothing if not adaptable.Inhabited for millennia, Glasgow has been Roman, Catholic and Protestant; it grew from a small settlement on the River Clyde into an important trading port, was at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution and is now a centre for culture, science, education and art.As long and storied as her history is and as versatile as she’s shown herself to be, it seems that combat sports, Muay Thai in particular, would be a natural reflection of all that Glesga is.You shouldn’t think of Muay Thai as merely two guys beating the tar out of each other in a ring; for one because Muay Thai is also open to women and children.More to the point: Muay Thai is not about the fighting but about conditioning oneself for the fight… here again, Glasgow and this ancient combat sport run parallel.To day, Glasgow stands ready for anything, from the influx of international students flooding in to study at her fabulous universities to the disastrous fires that gutted one of the most illustrious buildings of the cityscape.The Muay Thai boxer stands ready for anything too: be it a punch, a kick or a clinch, these martial artists have schooled themselves to endure and overcome… and yes, even triumph over their opponents.Let us now find the best Muay Thai gyms in and around Glasgow so that you, too, can become a fighting Glaswegian who is ready for anything.close-combat discipline to hear echoes of our city’s history.There is an ethos to the martial arts in general and Muay Thai specifically that calls to people determined to be their best selves. Unlike boxer training, in which punches are the only strikes permitted, Muay Thai does not allow for protective headgear Image by StockSnap from PixabayMuay Thai training originated as a form of combat preparation; it served as military training at a time when long-range weaponry didn’t exist and hand to hand combat is how conflicts were resolved.Over time it came to be regarded more as martial arts training and, when King Rama V of Thailand took the throne in the mid-19th Century, his fascination with it turned Muay Thai fighting into the national sport.Some of the top reasons to train Muay Thai include:getting in your best shape ever â€" it’s all about endurance and strengthmeeting like-minded peopleit teaches you to keep calm, no matter whatit will cloak you in fortitude: knowing you can handle anything is a real confidence boosterit’s great for cultivating self-disciplineit helps you develop mental toughnessYou might wonder about mental toughness; isn’t it associated prim arily with sports? Indeed, it is but more and more, this attribute is seen as vital to success in general.So, whether you are working your way through school or fighting for a promotion; live a life of adversity or are just looking for your big break, the conditioning you undergo as a Muay Thai fighter will arm you to adapt and overcome in every other aspect of your life.Just ask those who study Muay Thai techniques in Belfast; they are no stranger to adapting and overcoming.The Best Clubs for Muay ThaiThere is a reason that Glasgow is the most populous city in Scotland: it has something for everyone, even the prospective martial artist.Consider yourselves lucky, Weegies! While there is only a handful of Muay Thai clubs in Cardiff, you have several dojos to choose from.We’ll start our tour of them right in City Centre, with The Griphouse.Guy Ramsey and Paul McVeigh, the club’s co-founders, have themselves trained under some of the best martial arts teachers; now they bring their wealth of experience to you.While they do train to competition level, if you are interested solely in attaining your best self â€" not competing, that is fine by them. They will be glad for you to join them at £7 per session ( £70 per month).And if you’re not sure Muay Thai is the martial art for you, you might try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, MMA, wrestling or boxing while you're there. You will throw punches in Muay Thai kickboxing, but you will also kick and grapple Image by Claudio_Scott from PixabayStaying in Central Glasgow, let’s peek in at Boxfit Glasgow.If you are thinking that Boxfit and Thai boxing are oceans apart… you may be right: Boxfit is a high-energy cardio workout that incorporates many elements of boxer training, such as rope skipping and working your core.However, you must be in peak physical form for Muay Thai boxing so maybe such a class might not be a total waste?What we really like about this club is that membership numbers are kept low to assure everyone they will get the attention and training they need.We also like that, because this gym is smack in City Centre, their trainees come from many walks of life… kind of like the Muay Thai clubs in London!Also, their prices aren’t bad: your trial membership is £30 for two weeks; a weekly pass is £25.If, for whatever reason, your fitness goals have not been met this year, you can get bac k on the horse at Everyday Athlete.As their name implies, they are open to everyone from new mums to those looking to train with Thai pads and focus mitts.They put a rather fun spin on their Muay Thai training but don’t place them in the same category as franchise gyms that want your membership but leave getting fit up to you; they are quite serious about this ancient art of fighting.They offer a prep program for a flat rate of £99; beyond that, you can secure your membership for as low as £75 per month. Too bad there is no such Muay Thai club near me!You might think that, with a name like Glasgow Fitness, there would be no such thing as martial arts training, let alone a serious combat sport like Muay Thai practised there. Oh, how wrong!Although they have everything covered as far as fitness goes â€" fully outfitted workout spaces as well as yoga classes, personal training, Thai massage and even nutritious meals prepared onsite, their true love is Muay Thai training.Of course, you could just go there to relax in the sauna; you don’t have to undergo a training session every time. If you’re near Thornliebank, why not drop in and see what they have to offer?Just a little further southeast, past Thornliebank, is Newton Mearns; if you have already undergone strength conditioning and are ready to get serious about sparring, clinching and beating a heavy bag, Pro Muay Thai is the place for you.As their name suggests, they do only Muay Thai and, under the guidance of experienced fighter Cha MacKenzie, they do it exceedingly well.In fact, everything about this gym is great, from the club’s layout to the fact that they welcome kids as well as adults, beginners and those ready for their pra jiad â€" their ceremonial armband.Did you know that more women are seeking out Muay Thai for self-defense? The Muay Thai classes in Birmingham are brimming with women warriors! In spite of Muay Thai being a full-contact sport, you will need very little gear to practise it Image by Taco Fleur from PixabayWhat Muay Thai Gear Do You Need?Obviously, you would not wear a swimsuit if you’re going to do yoga; likewise, if you’re a devotee of mixed martial arts, you wouldn’t dream of outfitting yourself in a basketball uniform.Many people associate the karate gi with martial arts; if you were studying judo, such garb would be appropriate. The dobok, worn by those practising Tae Kwon Do, is slightly different than the gi but neither of those is worn in Muay Thai.If you are male, you will most likely fight shirtless but, for practice, you may wear any tee-shirt you’d like. However, as the workouts are fairly intensive, you might consider breathable training shirts.Also, the Muay Thai shorts worn in the ring are shorter than basketball shorts because they follow the traditional style worn in Thailand. You should note that the leg openings are wider than regula r shorts to permit high kicking, so wearing compression shorts underneath them is advised.If you cannot find any Muay Thai shorts or would like to have a wider variety to choose from, you might check out MMA shorts; they too get the job done.Hand wraps and Muay Thai gloves are a must! If you cannot find a comfortable pair of Muay Thai gloves, you may consider boxing gloves but ask your coach, first; s/he may not approve of those larger gloves.Shin guards: your shins are in for a lot of work; it is best to protect them during training. Likewise, you might consider ankle supports; all of that kicking with surely fatigue them.Of course, a mouthguard and a groin guard are essential but protective headgear is not and elbow and knee pads are optional.Unlike weight training or other disciplines, Muay Thai does not call for a large cash investment to get started; true to its historical roots, it relies on you to furnish its essential ingredients: your mind, your body and sincere dedication. If you’re ready to do so, Glesga Muay Thai clubs are ready for you!Find out how they compare to Muay Thai clubs in Manchester…

SAT College Test Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

SAT College Test Online SAT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace SAT is an abbreviation of Scholastic Assessment Test taken by high school students to gain admissions in colleges and universities in the United States. SAT College test is the exam popular among all colleges and universities and most colleges prefer SAT scores to analyze the students academic capability. SAT Reasoning test is the general SAT test which consists of 3 main sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. However, some colleges also prefer specific subject scores to check the students credentials in that particular subject. For those students, SAT subject tests are available in 20 individual subjects and students can assess their performance in those particular subjects. SAT examines the students logical and conceptual knowledge of the student in the various subjects. In the Critical reading test, students are given multiple choice questions on reading comprehension passages. With these passages, students are tested on vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuations etc. In the mathematics section, students are given multiple choice questions as well as grid-in questions. The topics on which they are tested are generally Algebra, Plane geometry, Coordinate geometry, Probability and Statistics etc. and the questions range from easy to medium to difficult level. In the Writing section, students are given multiple choice questions as well as an essay question. The multiple choice questions are based on error improvements such as sentence improvement, passage improvement, error identification etc. For the essay question, students must use proper sentences and good grammar so that they can write meaningful essay on the given topic or an issue.